Sunday, April 05, 2009

feluca forever

I want to live on a feluca boat with a bunch of Nubian dudes and listen to a lot of Arabic, African, and reggae casette tapes.

There's something about boat trips, river trips - it's always really hard to come off them. You leave the boat hesitantly, not really sure if this is the best thing for you. Painstakingly you come to understand that the trip is over and yes, you must return to regular life, to civilization.

after 3 nights and four days on the river, we got off the Nile, with two passengers not feeling quite right. just as we were about to pick up our gear, owen starting barfing over the side of the boat. he barfed some more until he felt normal again and we proceeded to leave and he paid Khalid and we signed the feluca's guest book, thanked our friends, shook hands, and pushed through the hungry Kollesh drivers and got a cab to the station.


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